The She Sho Background Gildas Club Facilitator Sofl Logo Decide. Discover.
Dare to be the star of your own show.
Are you ready to walk down your red carpet?
Decide. Discover. Dare to be the star of your own show.
Are you ready to walk down your red carpet?
Sign up for She-Sho-Time and receive a short guided breath
exercise to help you relax throughout your day.

On September 23rd, I’m participating in Gilda’s Race for Hope. I hope you’ll join me in making a difference in the lives of cancer patients and their families in South Florida.

What's The She Shō?

  • Have you ever stopped for a moment and reflected on your life?
  • Do you feel like you are moving through life by just going through the motions?
  • Do you feel like you are out in the middle of the ocean just trying to keep your head out of the water to survive?
  • Are you aware that life doesn’t have to be that way?!

If you feel this way, I can guide you towards a place where you can feel the ground underneath you and you feel safe and secure of yourself.

Do you feel like you have a good handle on your life, but have lost the motivation to continue reaching the goals you set out for yourself some time ago? Do you need a little inspiration to get back on the horse that will take you towards the direction you want to go? Do you feel disconnected?

We are all trying to find balance, meaning, and joy in life. This can be challenging!

We have so many things we need to tend to. Adding family, pets, loved ones, career, fitness, social time, spirituality, downtime, and so many other things to the mix, can leave you with an unsavory recipe! It’s astonishing how long we can live this way. We simply do things without feeling a sense of purpose, accomplishment, or joy. We live with the control of stress over our lives. Stress causes havoc to our health and wellbeing. We often eat unhealthy food when we’re stressed. We don’t know how to make time for ourselves to bring normalcy back or a sense of peace within. We feel lost but we can’t seem to find another way. I have been there.

And while there is never a perfect balanced life, being able to take control of your life and fulfill your heart’s desire will leave you feeling like a superstar! Take control of your life. Reconnect to your source and to yourself. Write your own story and be the star of your own show! That is what the SheShō is! Let me help you curate your wellness journey.

Are you ready to walk down your red carpet and be the star of your own show?

My Story


My name is Karla Perez. I am an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Breath Coach, Yoga Teacher, Fitness Instructor, Mindfulness Practitioner, and a breast cancer survivor. After my cancer battle, I made choices to live my life differently than I had before. I chose to live a healthier life physically, mentally, and emotionally. With the choices I made, I created a peaceful and more fulfilling life.

Sometimes you have to go through something really difficult to realize that there are things in your life that need to change. For me, it was a big wake up call. I heard it loud and clear and decided to live differently. I cleaned up my diet. I dove deep into my yoga practice, which led me to slow down my breath, my mind, and my life. I began to practice mindfulness and living in the present. I started to release stored emotions that I carried for long periods of time which didn’t serve me. I made a start to speak up and voice my thoughts and feelings without having any reservations about doing so. I began to set myself free. I live a much better, much lighter, much happier and fulfilled life than before. This didn’t happen overnight and it’s still a working progress. I learned how to do these things and more which helped me come back to my true self. I decided I wanted to live differently. I discovered my true self underneath all my layers, and I dared to live the way I really wanted to. It has taken a lot of courage, strength,  and diligence, but it has been so rewarding. Life is a journey and I’m enjoying living it.

I know how life changing empowering yourself can be. This is why I chose to help women find their strength, their voice, and their power within to claim their stardom. The SheShō was born from my love for supporting other women realize that they can rise up and live the life they desire to live. I am gratified to see other women claim their power, live confidently, and thrive.

When I was going through my battle with breast cancer, I visited Gilda’s Club of South Florida. I found a pillar of love and support which helped me get through that scary time of my life. On the very first day I visited, I knew that I found a home; one in which I vowed to return to give back to people in need in the same manner in which they gave me. That day finally came! I have been a proud facilitator for Gilda’s Club since April 2022. I teach Yoga, breath classes and sound healing.
Are you in need of support? Please visit: